Friday, 1 June 2012

Make Mine an Anya

I've done something bad. Really bad. Mr. G is going to go crazy....but oh, it's so worth it! I was out shopping for some maternity clothes, to be precise some maternity pyjamas, as all of my pj's are too tight (very upsetting) and uncomfortable, and had an unmitigated failure. I could find nothing that fitted, or looked nice, and felt pretty miserable. This pregnancy I've been struggling a lot with getting bigger. I know how hard I worked to lose the weight and tone up after having Fifi, and although I'm so excited about the new baby, it's another compromise I don't have any choice in, and some days it's a bit hard. Especially being surrounded by such gorgeous friends, who all look incredible. 

So that's my attempt at getting some sympathy (from Mr. G mainly), because, having failing on the maternity clothes front, I happened to wander past Anya Hindmarch. I adore all things Anya. I snapped up her Elrod bag several years ago, as it had my initials on it (well, actually hers, but my maiden name started with an H, so it was basically a monogrammed handbag for me, c'est tres chic!). I also wangled an Anya changing bag when I was expecting Fifi (but this was done by winning on the Grand National a few years back and spending my winnings on the bag, what a thrill!). But the bag I have always coveted but never been able to justify is the Neeson, a white leather woven bag. It is heavenly, nonchalantly stylish and timelessly elegant. But it's white, with no zip and very un-waterproof. 

As I walked into Anya's store, I saw the dreamy bag calling to me, but ignored it, instead looking at some make up bags. And then Fifi had a meltdown. To anyone without a child, this basically involves a lot of screaming, kicking, yelling and crying, while you try to calm them down. In this circumstance, to no avail. At this point I began to feel a bit teary, although managed to keep them in (woo hoo!), but once the tears abated (her's not mine!) I was so embarrassed, there was no option left to me other than to buy my way out the embarrassment (remember the scene from Sex and The City where Carrie falls in Dior?). So, yes, I am now the proud (make that smug) owner of a gorgeous Neeson handbag, and it really is everything I hoped it would be. But, when it rains, it does a very good job at collecting water...

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