Monday, 20 August 2012

A tough few days

I have been a bit quiet on the blogging front for the last few days because Arthur, my tiny little boy, has been really poorly and in hospital since Thursday. To cut a horrible and long story short, on Thursday our wonderful maternity nurse told me she thought something wasn't right with Arthur and insisted on taking him to A&E. I will never be able to express how grateful I am to her for spotting this, when I thought he was just being a crying baby. 

He was diagnosed with an infection, but in order to rule out meningitis, he had to have a lumbar puncture. Suffice to say, those few minutes, were the worst of my life. Luckily, the results came back clear for meningitis, but positive for an infection caused by E.coli, which he probably caught whilst being born. He has had to have intravenous antibiotics several times a day and been living in a very sterile bubble. 

He's still in hospital, but getting better slowly, feeding well and starting to get back on track. Mr G and I are forever indebted to so many people, my wonderful mum, who has slept on a bedroom floor since Thursday, keeping us all sane, my mother in law for her casseroles and 3am hospital trips, Porgie, who has kept Fifi fed and smiling, the amazing staff at Chelsea and Westminster, for mopping up tears (mine and Arthur's) and getting my little man healthy, and the wonderful Prossy. 


  1. Oh My, what a nightmare! Hope your baby gets better soon! I can't begin to imagine what you are going through. Sending warm hugs and some good, positive vibes your way xxx

  2. I know exactly how this feels. My little boy was admitted at one week with an infection and had to have IV antibiotics. It's incredibly draining emotionally and physically, for everyone. Hopefully your wee man is on the mend now and will be home soon.

  3. Praying for all of you!



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