Friday, 12 July 2013

Gas and Heir

I can't step away from my ipad at the moment, just in case Baby Windsor comes along and I miss it. Every "Breaking News" banner that rolls across Sky News gets my pulse racing; I cannot wait! So, I thought I'd write some words of wisdom for the Mummy and Daddy to be, things that I wish I'd known before I embarked on the adventure of a lifetime!

1. It is tough. Babies are amazing, but, even with a full contingent of nannies, nurses and super-grandma's (Carole is so going to be incredi-gran, and lets not even think about his/her great grandma!), having your first baby is the hardest and scariest thing in the world. Just know it gets easier with every week that passes, and, one day, they WILL sleep....

2. It's amazing. Babies are bundles of gorgeousness, which, provided you're not too exhausted to enjoy, give the most rewarding love you can imagine. Take a few minutes every day to watch them breathe, sleep and figure life out. Even now, watching my children rub their eyes when they're sleepy fills my heart with love. Treasure every moment, they grow up so fast.

3. It is a universal truth that is ignored by most media and celebrity outlets, but post birth, you look awful. Wobbly flesh, oversized boobs, and all manner of other ills. You feel grim, and, I, for one, looked pretty scary. Kate, you will look better 2 hours post partum than most of us will ever look, but my tip would be, don't beat yourself up too much. Every silvery stretch mark and extra pound is a battle scar from the most incredible miracle you have just performed. Yes, I wanted rid ASAP, but do it in your own time. 

4. Lean on your other half. Mr. G has been my rock, in labour and the early days of babies, when I felt so overwhelmed. He did night feeds, night winding, early morning waking and everything else I needed. Let your man help, William will be an amazing Dad, just trust him.

5. Treat yourself. Make sure you look after you, as well as the baby in those early weeks. It's so easy to forget, I seriously forgot to wash on several occasions, and you end up feeling low and miserable, thus being a less good mum. A few minutes if you time, to paint your nails, put on some make up, or have a lie down, makes the world of difference when life gets overwhelming.

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